Wednesday, August 07, 2013


Prosperity Desire

When grass in one field dries out, animals go to other grazing fields looking for pasture. Early people did so too but later they learnt to raise their own grass on that very spot. They did so for better life, better than earlier and better than that of their neighbours. The first was for easier life and the second was a competitive instinct within their species. Not only they desired good and enough consumables but also liked to have those things best of all. While desire of better living was desire of self-development, desire of excellence among their own kinds was desire of prosperity or prosperity desire. While development desire was survival instinct, prosperity desire was a rat race within a society. Within the bound of allowed (sometime called ‘legal’) limits, such competition enthused a person for self-development. Accumulation of such individual efforts developed society. Human civilization is a total result of all individual human actions in the past. In conclusion, we can say that prosperity desire differentiates human beings from other animals and it is the driving force of human activity and civilization. If a human cannot act on prosperity desire, his activities will be limited to animal requirements such as food, water, merry-making and mating.

Human is  neither a saint nor an angel. The fruit of his/her activity he wants to consume or dispose alone and on his/her own. Even if he/she cannot consume all what he/she has acquired, he/she will be ready to handover only a minuscule part of his gain. He/she would like to save it for his non-hay days. Human cares his/her own, animals do not. He/she has natural tendency not only of prosperity desire but also of saving or accumulation.

Prosperity gain of a person cannot be consumed by him/her alone, though he/she tries to. He/she has to share his/her gain with other fellow beings to maintain his prosperity. For example, if a person gains four pairs of shoes when he/she needs just one pair, he/she has to lend other three pairs to three other people. They will take those shoes only then, when they are able to pay for it. The former has to help the later one to raise prosperity at least so they could buy one pair each. Production by a person helps to increase his prosperity only if that production is distributed as consumables on his/her behalf among his/her fellow members and those fellow members will be able to consume it only if they are able to compensate him against that product. Prosperity desire provokes each one to raise his/her production and prosperity can be gained only if part of that product is consumed by other fellow members, who have applied the same process to raise their prosperity. Directly or indirectly, they barter their production or actually their labours or efforts and raise their prosperity. Better producer can have a chance to raise his prosperity more and worse producer too raises his/her prosperity but just a minuscule raise. Thus, time value of the whole community or society is raised due to the efforts of community members. Prosperity with respect to the past is raised too and society gets more developed. At the end of one process, starts another one and thus, run the spiral of civilization up and up and even the idlest one gets a small share of civilization.

Development is another name of social uplift and it shows time value increment of society members in particular and that of the society in total. In development, social time value will increase with time but calamities may diminish social time value. Irrespective of social changes, prosperity of a person in that very society may rise or fall or standstill in both cases. For example, haves and haves-not existed in primitive society as they do today and more or less differences by their  standard was their too.

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