Wednesday, August 27, 2008

हाम्रा प्रधानमन्त्रीको विवेक

ओलम्पिक जात्रा कि गाईजात्रा ?

उहिले म सानो छदा आफै गरिखान छुट्टिएर पर बसेको छोरालाई एक दिन बाबु रिसाएर गाली गदैं थियो - "एक्लै गरेर खान्छु भनेर छुट्टएिको बजिया । हेर, यो बुहारीको कन्त बिजोग । घरमा स्वास्नी सुत्केरी छ भन्ने जाने पछि मीतले बोलाए भन्दैमा गाइजात्रामा जान हुन्छ ?"

त्यो छोरो हेर्न गएको हाम्रो सदरमुकामको गाइजात्रा पूर्वी नेपालकै सबै भन्दा भव्य गाइजात्रा गनिन्थ्यो र त्यहाँ ठूलै भिड लाग्थ्यो । सदरमुकामका सम्पन्न मीत बाट प्राप्त हुने भविष्यको आशाले छोरो जात्रामा गएको होला र आफ्नो निम्तोमा जात्रा मान्न आएको मीतलाई राम्रा कुरा देखाएर, भोज खुवाएर मनोरञ्जन गराउनु मीतको कर्तव्य पनि हो तर घरमा आफूमा आश्रति सुत्केरी छोडेर निम्तो मान्न जानु , बजार हेर्दै घुम्नु, भोज खाँदै हिडनु एउटा लोग्नेको अरु केही नभए पनि गैर्‍हजिम्मेवारीपन पक्कै हो । 'स्वास्नी घरमा सुत्केरी छ' भनेर निम्तोमा नगएको भए या गए पनि एउटा समारोहमा भाग लिने बित्तिकै फर्किएको भए पनि मीतले त्यसलाई स्वाभाविक रुपमा नै लिने थियो किनकि सुत्केरी स्वास्नी प्रतिको जिम्मेवारी बुझन नसक्ने मीत हुन सक्दैनथ्यो । बरु सुत्केरी स्वास्नी छोडेर आएकोमा मीतलाई अविवेकी ठान्न सक्थ्यो त्यो घटनाम। प्रस्ट नै देखिन्थ्यो लोग्नेको विवेकहिनता, सम्बेदनहिनता । स्वास्नीको जीवन र मृत्युलाई उसले जीवनमा चलिरहने अरु सामान्य घटना जस्तै ठानेको थियो । त्यस्तै, मट्टीतेल नपाएर सहरका गरिवहरू काचो चामल बुकाइरहेकाछन । ग्यास छैन मध्यम वर्गियको घरमा । अस्पतालमा सधैं तोडफोड हुन्छ, सडक सधैं वन्द हुन्छन । तेल नभएर गाडी चल्दैनन । हजारौं हजार मानिस कोशीको भेल सँग बाच्ने संर्घष्ा गरिरहेका छन । खुला आकाश मनि बाँच्न वाध्य छन । देशको एउटा भाग बाट अर्को भागमा जान बाटो छैन । सुदूर पश्चिमका पहाडी जिल्लामा भोकमरी छ, देशमा सरकार छैन, केवल अर्धसरकार छ । पूर्व मेची देखि पश्चिम महाकाली सम्म सरकारको उपस्थितिको आभाष छैन । देशमा यस्तो कहालीलाग्दो विपदा हुदां बाहिर भएको सरकार प्रमुख पनि देश सभाल्न आइपुग्नु पर्नेमा हाम्रा प्रधानमन्त्री देश छोडेर ओलम्पिक जात्रामा पुगे, भोजभतेरमा सरिक भए र चिनको महान पर्खाल हर्ेन पर्यटक झैं घुमफिर गरेर फुर्सद साथ बैककमा किनमेल पनि गरे । कति फरक छ त त्यो अविवेकी लोग्ने र हाम्रा प्रधानमन्त्रीमा ? कहाँ देखिन्छ उनको देशवासी प्रतिको सम्वेदनशिलता र विवेक ?
राम दाहाल
जोरपाटी - १, नारानटार

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Prosperitism - Path to Prosperity

6. Prosperity & Equality
‘All are equal to God.’ – says religion but God never treated them equally and in reality no two things, even less two persons, are equal in all respect. A thing can be equal only to that very thing in all respect. That is a reality of nature. As un-equality is expressed by different dimensions in different space, equality arranged in one space creates un-equality immediately on others. Equality in all respect makes two things, ideas or expressions automatically one. Though absolute equality or equality in all respect can not be maintained, people preached and promised partial equality all the time in history. Religion promised equality in heaven and un-visible reality remained dream to all generation of human beings. Rousseau in 17th century raised voice for equality in politics and later in 19th century Karl Marx preached another principle of financial equality.

Human being is dimensionally unequal in physique. Tall, short, thin, obese, bald, hairy, broad, narrow and others are his visible physique. Fast, slow, steady, clumsy etc are his physical characteristics or physical capabilities. They are no where equal to one person to another. There are mental capabilities too in form of logic, ideas, thought etc that dictate and control physical action of human beings. If compared, no two persons are equal mentally as well. Even Siamese twins develop different capabilities physically and mentally. Amidst these unequal capabilities, we can not and should not expect equal output from equal input in them. Thus, we can draw a conclusion that if people act in their full capacities, the outcomes or productions of their action in quantity and quality both are never equal to one another.

More bizarre is consumption pattern. Non-producer like children, sick and old people may need more than adult producers. Investment in children is a saving for their parents or society and that in sick and old adults is liability of their past investment on their children or society. Consumption of adults is too never equal to one another. Thus, we conclude that neither input (consumption) nor output (production) of any two individuals is equal.

There are different options of input and output. The first one is equal input for equal output. Soldiers of one rank in a barrack get equal consumption and they are expected to have equal fighting capacity. So the students of a class in a hostel are expected. Second option is equal input but an unequal out put. Children may demand consumption equal to adults’ or even more but they never are asked for equal output. So may be among adults too. The third option is of unequal input and equal output. Two workers of one profession in two places may have different consumption possibility but they produce equal products. Or in a paid party, each individual pays equal amount even if they consume more or less.

The fourth option is unequal input and unequal output. As human beings are not equal, the consumption can never be equal and can not be equal their production too. ‘They give what they can do and get what they produce’ – says capitalist system. ‘Human being should give what he can and should get what he needs’ is communists and Utopians too. All of them accept unequal output for unequal input in one or other form. While capitalist allows the producer to save the positive extra output (output minus input), communist likes to distribute that extra output among the less fortunate ones who have negative extra output for the sake of just distribution. In other words while capitalism practiced individual freedom, communism stressed on community benefit.

With guaranteed minimum requirements of livelihood, every individual in capitalist structure moved towards self prosperity development and flourished. On the other hand, the protagonist of communist establishment drove hard the hungry enthusiastic mass towards euphoric dream of absolute equality and gained success to provide basic animal requirements of livelihood to all within the system. But hardly had a new generation been matured, the well fed generation could not give them more than what they had, they opted negative prosperity desire i.e. to have the same time value for less work. Lack of individual freedom and development of negative prosperity became the rood cause of the fall of Soviet Union, the father nation of communist establishment. Snooping the pressure of negative prosperity, China, the biggest communist establishment in world, quickly shifted its position and allowed prosperity desire act positively and prospered very much within a quarter of a century.

20th century was a struggle between haves and haves-not or a struggle between more and less prosperous. It also showed that if not provided basic minimums, mass will revolt against the establishment and if positive prosperity is not allowed to work, negative prosperity desire starts automatically.