Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Prosperology (human desire2)


Human Desire(cont.)

2.Human Desire

After all, what is desire that boosts human activities ? What is the difference between human need and desire?

 Living beings need something basic to sustain their life and to continue their activities. Every living being labours to acquire these items in daily basis and is satisfied if it gets them but human being wants something more than his basic need. Such want beyond the natural requirement is called desire. While human need is essential for his survival, desire is just string longing for satisfaction and happiness or for something beyond natural need. Desire may vary from time to time, place to place and person to person. A person without desire is a hermit living in the wild, who has neither plan nor better expectations.

Desire motivates a person to have more and activates him to gain it. A tallest giraffe cannot grab the leaves above its height. Two bulls can hit or push hard each other by what their strength provides. Even the fastest cheetah has limit in its speed but human has no such limits. He uses stairs, cranes, and lifts to raise himself above his height, uses bicycles, vehicles, horses, airplanes to gain speed and wrestles cunningly bare hand or uses tools to overcome his opponent. The superb brain acts both positively and negatively to fulfill his desire. Capacity or strength of other animals can be measured in power units but that of human cannot be done so. Other animals have measurable physical strength but mental creativity of human is un-measurable. And so is desire.

Fulfillment of one desire creates another and so on. Desire creates capacity, capacity fulfils action, action creates gain and gain brings satisfaction and raises affluence level where another desire rises automatically. This never ending circle of human activity moves like a spiral upward, raising human knowledge and affluence. Thus, human civilization is a creation of revolving activity of desire.

         'Necessity is mother of invention’ – says a proverb but what a person needs if he is satisfied on what he has. Desire creates dissatisfaction or vice versa. A person desires to be better than or superior to others. Even a breadwinner demands loyalty or respect from family members. He desires superiority, efforts for it and gets it to earn respect and superiority. Thus we come to conclusion: animal needs are natural necessities for survival of the self and desires are human necessities for prosperity.

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