Monday, November 24, 2008
Ailing US
Saturday, October 18, 2008
· If man was satisfied with what he bad, he would have been doomed where he was.
· Desire for prosperity motivates man to improve himself. Other animals do not desire.
· If one's dersires were fulfilled by his lord, he would have been toiling under yoke and chewing cuds in the shed like an ox.
· Prosperity of a person at a time is proportional to his time value (or his accessibility to consumables at that time).
· In a close financial community change in prosperity of a person effects prosperity of each individual in that community (however miniscule the effect may be).
link: prosperitism
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
हाम्रा प्रधानमन्त्रीको विवेक
ओलम्पिक जात्रा कि गाईजात्रा ?
उहिले म सानो छदा आफै गरिखान छुट्टिएर पर बसेको छोरालाई एक दिन बाबु रिसाएर गाली गदैं थियो - "एक्लै गरेर खान्छु भनेर छुट्टएिको बजिया । हेर, यो बुहारीको कन्त बिजोग । घरमा स्वास्नी सुत्केरी छ भन्ने जाने पछि मीतले बोलाए भन्दैमा गाइजात्रामा जान हुन्छ ?"
त्यो छोरो हेर्न गएको हाम्रो सदरमुकामको गाइजात्रा पूर्वी नेपालकै सबै भन्दा भव्य गाइजात्रा गनिन्थ्यो र त्यहाँ ठूलै भिड लाग्थ्यो । सदरमुकामका सम्पन्न मीत बाट प्राप्त हुने भविष्यको आशाले छोरो जात्रामा गएको होला र आफ्नो निम्तोमा जात्रा मान्न आएको मीतलाई राम्रा कुरा देखाएर, भोज खुवाएर मनोरञ्जन गराउनु मीतको कर्तव्य पनि हो तर घरमा आफूमा आश्रति सुत्केरी छोडेर निम्तो मान्न जानु , बजार हेर्दै घुम्नु, भोज खाँदै हिडनु एउटा लोग्नेको अरु केही नभए पनि गैर्हजिम्मेवारीपन पक्कै हो । 'स्वास्नी घरमा सुत्केरी छ' भनेर निम्तोमा नगएको भए या गए पनि एउटा समारोहमा भाग लिने बित्तिकै फर्किएको भए पनि मीतले त्यसलाई स्वाभाविक रुपमा नै लिने थियो किनकि सुत्केरी स्वास्नी प्रतिको जिम्मेवारी बुझन नसक्ने मीत हुन सक्दैनथ्यो । बरु सुत्केरी स्वास्नी छोडेर आएकोमा मीतलाई अविवेकी ठान्न सक्थ्यो त्यो घटनाम। प्रस्ट नै देखिन्थ्यो लोग्नेको विवेकहिनता, सम्बेदनहिनता । स्वास्नीको जीवन र मृत्युलाई उसले जीवनमा चलिरहने अरु सामान्य घटना जस्तै ठानेको थियो । त्यस्तै, मट्टीतेल नपाएर सहरका गरिवहरू काचो चामल बुकाइरहेकाछन । ग्यास छैन मध्यम वर्गियको घरमा । अस्पतालमा सधैं तोडफोड हुन्छ, सडक सधैं वन्द हुन्छन । तेल नभएर गाडी चल्दैनन । हजारौं हजार मानिस कोशीको भेल सँग बाच्ने संर्घष्ा गरिरहेका छन । खुला आकाश मनि बाँच्न वाध्य छन । देशको एउटा भाग बाट अर्को भागमा जान बाटो छैन । सुदूर पश्चिमका पहाडी जिल्लामा भोकमरी छ, देशमा सरकार छैन, केवल अर्धसरकार छ । पूर्व मेची देखि पश्चिम महाकाली सम्म सरकारको उपस्थितिको आभाष छैन । देशमा यस्तो कहालीलाग्दो विपदा हुदां बाहिर भएको सरकार प्रमुख पनि देश सभाल्न आइपुग्नु पर्नेमा हाम्रा प्रधानमन्त्री देश छोडेर ओलम्पिक जात्रामा पुगे, भोजभतेरमा सरिक भए र चिनको महान पर्खाल हर्ेन पर्यटक झैं घुमफिर गरेर फुर्सद साथ बैककमा किनमेल पनि गरे । कति फरक छ त त्यो अविवेकी लोग्ने र हाम्रा प्रधानमन्त्रीमा ? कहाँ देखिन्छ उनको देशवासी प्रतिको सम्वेदनशिलता र विवेक ?
जोरपाटी - १, नारानटार
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Prosperitism - Path to Prosperity
Human being is dimensionally unequal in physique. Tall, short, thin, obese, bald, hairy, broad, narrow and others are his visible physique. Fast, slow, steady, clumsy etc are his physical characteristics or physical capabilities. They are no where equal to one person to another. There are mental capabilities too in form of logic, ideas, thought etc that dictate and control physical action of human beings. If compared, no two persons are equal mentally as well. Even Siamese twins develop different capabilities physically and mentally. Amidst these unequal capabilities, we can not and should not expect equal output from equal input in them. Thus, we can draw a conclusion that if people act in their full capacities, the outcomes or productions of their action in quantity and quality both are never equal to one another.
More bizarre is consumption pattern. Non-producer like children, sick and old people may need more than adult producers. Investment in children is a saving for their parents or society and that in sick and old adults is liability of their past investment on their children or society. Consumption of adults is too never equal to one another. Thus, we conclude that neither input (consumption) nor output (production) of any two individuals is equal.
There are different options of input and output. The first one is equal input for equal output. Soldiers of one rank in a barrack get equal consumption and they are expected to have equal fighting capacity. So the students of a class in a hostel are expected. Second option is equal input but an unequal out put. Children may demand consumption equal to adults’ or even more but they never are asked for equal output. So may be among adults too. The third option is of unequal input and equal output. Two workers of one profession in two places may have different consumption possibility but they produce equal products. Or in a paid party, each individual pays equal amount even if they consume more or less.
The fourth option is unequal input and unequal output. As human beings are not equal, the consumption can never be equal and can not be equal their production too. ‘They give what they can do and get what they produce’ – says capitalist system. ‘Human being should give what he can and should get what he needs’ is communists and Utopians too. All of them accept unequal output for unequal input in one or other form. While capitalist allows the producer to save the positive extra output (output minus input), communist likes to distribute that extra output among the less fortunate ones who have negative extra output for the sake of just distribution. In other words while capitalism practiced individual freedom, communism stressed on community benefit.
With guaranteed minimum requirements of livelihood, every individual in capitalist structure moved towards self prosperity development and flourished. On the other hand, the protagonist of communist establishment drove hard the hungry enthusiastic mass towards euphoric dream of absolute equality and gained success to provide basic animal requirements of livelihood to all within the system. But hardly had a new generation been matured, the well fed generation could not give them more than what they had, they opted negative prosperity desire i.e. to have the same time value for less work. Lack of individual freedom and development of negative prosperity became the rood cause of the fall of Soviet Union, the father nation of communist establishment. Snooping the pressure of negative prosperity, China, the biggest communist establishment in world, quickly shifted its position and allowed prosperity desire act positively and prospered very much within a quarter of a century.
20th century was a struggle between haves and haves-not or a struggle between more and less prosperous. It also showed that if not provided basic minimums, mass will revolt against the establishment and if positive prosperity is not allowed to work, negative prosperity desire starts automatically.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Prosperitism - Principles of Prosperity
5. Prosperity Desire
When grass in one place dries out, animals go to other gazing fields looking for pasture. Early men did so too but later he learned to raise his own grass on that very spot. He did so for better life, better that earlier and better than that of his neighbors. The first was for easier life and the second was a competitive instinct within his species. Not only he desires good and enough consumables but also likes to have those things best of all. While desire of better living is desire of self-development, desire of excellence among its own kinds is desire of prosperity or prosperity desire. While development desire is survival instinct, prosperity is a rat race within a society. Within the bound of allowed (some time called ‘legal’) limits, such competition enthuses a person for self-development. Accumulation of such individual efforts develops society. Human civilization is a total result of all individual human actions. In conclusion we can say that prosperity desire differentiates human beings from other animals and it is the driving force of human activity and civilization. If a man cannot act on prosperity desire, his activities will be limited to animal requirements such as food, water, merry-making and mating.
Man is neither a saint nor an angel. The fruit of his activity he wants to consume or dispose alone and on his own. Even if he cannot consume all what he has acquired, he will be ready to handover only a miniscule part of his gain to other. He would like to save it for his non-hay days. Man cares his own, not animals. He has natural tendency not only of prosperity desire but also of saving or accumulation.
Prosperity gain of a person cannot consumed by him alone, though he tries to do so. He has to share his gain with other fellow members to maintain his prosperity. For example, if a person gains four pairs of shoes when he needs just one pair, he has to loan other three pairs to three other people. They will take those shoes only then, when they are able to pay for it. The former has to help the later to raise prosperity so that they could buy one pair. Production by a person helps to increase his prosperity only if that production is distributed as consumables on his behalf among his fellow members and those fellow members will be able to consume only if they are able to compensate him against that product. Prosperity desire provokes each one to raise his production. Prosperity can be gained only if other fellow members, who apply the same process to raise their prosperities, consume the part of that product. Directly or indirectly, they barter their production or actually their labors or efforts and raise their prosperity. The better producer can have a chance to raise his prosperity more and the less producer, though less, raises his prosperity too. Thus, time value of the whole community or society is raised due to the efforts of community members. Prosperity with respect to the past is raised too and society gets more developed. At the end of one process, starts another one and thus, runs the spiral of civilization up and up and even the idlest one gets a share of civilization.
Development is another name of social uplift and it shows time value increment of society members in particular and that of the society in total. In development, social time value will increase with time but calamities may diminish social time value. Irrespective of social changes, prosperity of a person in that very society may rise or fall or standstill. For examples, haves and haves-not existed in primitive society as they do today and so more or less prosperous by their standard were there and then as they are at present.
6. Prosperity & Equality
‘All are equal to God.’ – says religion but God never treated them equally and in reality no two things, even less two persons, are equal in all respect. A thing can be equal only to that very thing in all respect. That is a reality of nature. As different dimensions in different spaces express un-equality, equality arranged in one space creates un-equality immediately on others. Equality in all respect makes two things, ideas or expressions automatically one. Though absolute equality or equality in all respect can not be maintained, people preached and promised partial equality all the time in history. Religion promised equality in heaven and un-visible reality remained dream to all generation of human beings. Rousseau in 17th century raised voice for equality in politics and later in 19th century Karl Marx preached another principle of financial equality.
Human being is dimensionally unequal in physique. Tall, short, thin, obese, bald, hairy, broad, narrow and others are his visible physique. Fast, slow, steady, clumsy etc are his physical characteristics or physical capabilities. They are nowhere equal to one person to another. There are mental capabilities in form of logic, ideas, thought etc that dictate and control physical action of human beings. If compared, no two persons are equal mentally as well. Even Siamese twins develop different capabilities physically and mentally. Amidst these unequal capabilities, we cannot and should not expect equal output from equal input in them. Thus, we can draw a conclusion that if people act in their full capacities, the outcomes or productions of their action in quantity and quality both are never equal to one another.
More bizarre is consumption pattern. Non-producer like children, sick and old people may need more than adult producers. Investment in children is a saving for their parents or society and that in sick and old adults is liability of their past investment on their children or society. Consumption of adults is too never equal to one another. Thus, we conclude that neither input (consumption) nor output (production) of any two individuals is equal.
There are different options of input and output. The first one is equal input for equal output. Soldiers of one rank in a barrack get equal consumption and they are expected to have equal fighting capacity. So the students of a class in a hostel are expected. Second option is equal input but an unequal output. Children may demand consumption equal to that of adults or even more but they are never asked for equal output. So may be the case among the adults too. The third option is of unequal input and equal output. Two workers of one profession in two places may have different consumption possibility but they produce equal products. Or in a paid party, each individual pays equal amount even if they consume more or less.
The fourth option is unequal input and unequal output. As human beings are not equal, the consumption can never be equal and cannot be equal their production too. ‘They give what they can do and get what they produce’ – says capitalist system. ‘Human being should give what he can and should get what he needs’ is communists and Utopians motto. All of them accept unequal output for unequal input in one or other form. While capitalist system allows the producer to save the positive extra output (output minus input or gain), communist system likes to distribute that extra output among the less fortunate, who have negative extra output, for the sake of just distribution. In other words while capitalism practices individual freedom, communism stresses on community benefit.
With guaranteed minimum requirements of livelihood, every individual in capitalist structure moved towards self-prosperity development and flourished. On the other hand, the protagonist of communist establishment drove hard the hungry enthusiastic mass towards euphoric dream of absolute equality and gained success to provide basic animal requirements of livelihood to all within the system. But hardly had a new generation been matured, the well fed generation could not get more than what they had and they opted negative prosperity desire i.e. to have the same time value for less work to fulfill their prosperity desire. Lack of individual freedom and development of negative prosperity became the root cause of the fall of Soviet Union, the father nation of communist establishment. Snooping the pressure of negative prosperity, China, the biggest communist establishment in world, quickly shifted its position and allowed prosperity desire act positively and prospered very much within a quarter of a century.
20th century was a struggle between haves and haves-not or a struggle between more and less prosperous. It also showed that if not provided basic minimums, mass will revolt against the establishment and if positive prosperity is not allowed to work, negative prosperity desire starts automatically.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Wild animals do not work and they live on what they get in wild. Domestic animals do not earn too. They are fed by their masters. Children , old and sick people are parasitic sub-ordinates to their bread earners. A person has to earn some thing for his own and for his sub-ordinates' survival.
Earning of a person is consumable equivalent available to him within a time unit against his physical and mental work and that depends upon output of his work and his working situation and surroundings. Only working person earns some thing. Non-working persons live either on accumulated earning ofr as parasites on others' earnings. Time value of a person is sum of consumable accessible to a person from all sources in a unit time. People may live without earning but they can not do so without time value. Any human being with zero time value is a dead person. So time value of a person or personal time is accessible amount of consumables of person within a unit time. In other words, time value is amount of consumables (materials & services) available from different sources accessible to him. While for working person earning is main portion of time value, donation or charity or accumulated earning or subsidies are main source for parasitic sub-ordinates. Children too have their time value though they have no earning.
Who is more prosperous? A person earning Rs. 70,000 in New York or a person earning Rs.15,000 in Kathmandu? Does person earning Rs.100,000 per annum lives better life than a child of millionaire parents? Looking deeply in these condition we find that though earning may be main component of prosperity, it is not the final one and that too depends upon situations and environments. Among two persons, we can find more prosperous and less prosperous by comparing their time value. Among many people we can make a comparative time value list. This may be for one environment, for one condition. For example, we can compare prosperity of similar professionals in one locality and in one condition. For different professions in different locality , in different condition, first we should get prosperity between localities, between professions and between conditions.
Thus, prosperity of an individual is a comparative expression of its time value with that of others in similar conditions. For example, individuals A, B, C of similar profession live in same condition and locality with time values WA, WB, WC respectively. Let TA, TB, TC be their comparative prosperity, then
TA = WA/ WA=1
If TB and TC are less than TA , B and C are less prosperous than A and if more, they are more prosperous. Prosperity of a single individual can not be measured. Change in one's time value may change one's prosperity and equally change in others' time may change one's prosperity too.
In above example, if A, B, C are n individuals in a society or group, then time value of group G is
WG = WA + WB + WC + ………… to n times
and average of that group is
Groups may be professional, institutional, regional, political and of all sorts. Prosperities between two individuals of two different groups are effected by prosperity of corresponding group strata or level. Average time value of the group individual rather than total time value will represent the prosperity of the group. For example, in a group it the sum of all individual time values is WG, then time value WGAV
WGAV = WG / n
and prosperity of individual in the group will be
T1 = WG1/WGAV ; T2 = WG2 / WGAV and so goes up to Tn
Ti = WGi / WGAV where I = 1,2,3,4, ………….n-1, n
Similarly, prosperity of individual in group B with respect to that of group A
T of group B/ T of group B = Average time value in group B/ Average time of group A
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
1. To human being
I have no reason to believe the religious doctrine of creation and so have to follow Darwinian theory of evolution. As we find coral like semi-living or semi-nonliving animals or materials even now, they provide justification to believe in creation of animal from material by evolution, though the first creature was lowly one-cell like creature. No doubt that creature received all his nourishment from one source to make his life easy. Instead of changing non-living to living time and again , the one-cell creature learned to divide itself to two and further. Sexual generation was not evolved at all. Step by step, the one-cell creature evolved to multi-cell one and source of nourishment became diverse and so started a harsh competition for food, water and air. Bi-sexual creatures fought for their mates too. They moved from place to place to fulfill these needs. Millions of creatures evolved in earth but needs are limited to air, water, food and mate and those too in time of physical need. Nature freely provides them what they need or they adjust to what nature provides them or they have to die out. Natural evolution has no other option.
Evolution to human being created a new dimension in the law of nature, i.e. human being refused to obey an all uses to nature. While earlier creatures were limited to natural needs, man fascinated anew luxury called desire. only highly developed mind could afford such a luxury.
Thus came the difference between man and other animals. He learnt to act and venture to fulfill his desire. A semi-living creature was converted to desiring animal by evolution and he dominated the earth, sometimes, even defying the nature.
2।Human Desire
After all, what is desire which boosts human activity? What is the difference between human need and desire?
Every living being needs some thing basic to sustain his life and to continue its activity. every living being efforts to acquire these items in daily basis and is satisfied if it gets them but human being does not do so and wants some thing more. This want beyond natural requirement is called desire. While human need is essential for his survival, desire is just strong longing for satisfaction and happiness or for some thing beyond natural need. Desire may very from time to time, place to place and person to person. A person without desire is a hermit living in the wild, who has neither future plan nor better expectations.
Desire motivates a person to have more and activates him to gain it. A tallest jiraffe can grab the leaves not above of its height. Two bulls can hit or push each other what their strength provides. Even the fastest leopard has limit in its speed but man has no such limits. He uses stairs, cranes, lifts to raise, uses bicycles, vehicles, horses, airplanes to gain speed and wrestlers cunningly bare hand or uses tools and arms to win. The superb brain acts both negatively and positively to fulfill his desire Capacity of strength of others animal can be measured in power units but that of man can not be. Other animals have measurable physical strength but mental creativity of man is un-measurable. And so is desire. Fulfillment of one desire creates another one and so on. Desire creates capacity, capacity fulfills action, action creates gain, gain brings satisfaction and raises affluence level where another desire rises automatically. The never ending circle of human activity moves like a spiral upward raising human knowledge and affluence. Human civilization is creation of revolving activity of desire.
___________ Desire __________
& Capacity
Affluence Level
Gain ______________________ Action
'Necessity is mother of invention' – says a proverb nut what a person may need if he is satisfied on what he has. Desire creates non-satisfaction or vice-versa. A person desires to be better than or superior to others. A bread earner demands loyalty and respect from family members. He desires superiority, efforts for it and gets it to earn respect and superiority. Thus we coe to conclusion: Animal needs are natural necessities for survival and desires are human necessities for prosperity.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
पानीको देश
इतिहास पटक पटक दोहोरिन सक्छ तर एउटै भुल पटक पटक एक अर्कोले दोहोर्याउदै गयो भने उसले अरुको इतिहास बाट पाठ नसिकेको हो भन्न कर लाग्छ । दुर्मनशायले त्यो गरिएको हो भने त दुर्जनको ओखती हुदैन, नियत असल नै राखेको हो भने वास्तविकता र इतिहास दुवैलाई मनन नगरी एकोहोरो राग अलाप्ने हो भने सुमनशाय र दुर्मनशायको विचमा अन्तर हुदैन ।
डेढ दशक अगाडि नेपाल विद्युत प्राधिकरणले अरुण ३ को आयोजना अगाडि बढाउदा त्यो आयोजना भाँडनेहरूको लहैलहैमा लागेर नेकपा एमालेले सहयोग ऋणदाता विश्व बैंक सम्ममा विरोध गर्न पुग्यो र देशको दल मध्ये एकको प्रत्यक्ष विरोध देखे पछि विश्व बैंकले त्यो आयोजना बाट हात झिक्यो र अहिले पनि त्यो आयोजनाले राम्रा दिन देख्ने छाँट छैन । त्यो आयोजना सफल भएको भए नेपालले अहिलेको बिजुलीको हाहाकार बेहोर्नु पर्ने थिएन तर व्यक्तिगत स्वार्थ सिद्ध गर्न चाहनेहरूले दलिय स्वार्थलाई हावा दिएर त्यो आयोजना तुहाइ दिएको नेकपा एमालेले धेरै पछि मात्र थाहा पायो । त्यही एक मात्र कारणले नेकपा एमालेको छवि विद्युत विरोधि भएको मेटाउन गाहारो परेको छ । त्यो आयोजनामा अपारदर्शिताको कुरा उठाएर नेकपा एमालेले गरेको गल्ती अहिले नेकपा माओवादी इतिहास दोहोर्याइ रहेको छ । मेलम्ची आउछ आउदैन त्यो विवादको विषय बनिसक्यो र काठमाडौलाई सुकेधारा, ढुंगेधाराको पानीको आश देखाएर टैंकरमा मात्र होइन बोतलमा पानी बेच्नेको समूह पनि अब माओवादीका गुणगान गर्न थालेकाछन । माओवादीले 'सहरमा विकाश नभइ गाँउमा जान सक्दैन' भन्ने माओको सोचलाई मूलमंत्र बनाएकाछन र देङ स्याउ पिङले भने झैं विकाशको क्रम र सुविधा सहरबाट शुरु हुने कुरा मान्न तयार छैनन ।
यस्तै घटना दोहोरिन लाग्दैछ नेकपा माओवादी बाट । नेकपा माओवादी घुर्क्याएर निस्केको बेलाको मंत्री परिषदले निर्णय गरी दिन लागेको विद्युत योजना निर्माणको काम माओवादी आफ्नो अनुपस्थितिमा भएको भनी त्यसलाई विरोध गर रिहेकाछन तर न त्यसको औचित्या प्रमाण गरिरहेकाछन, न विकल्प नै दिएका छन । यस्तो जिम्मेवारी विहिन कार्यले देशको विद्युत विकाशले कुन रुप लिने हो र जनता विद्युतको सुलभ उभपोग बाट कहिले सम्म वञ्चित हुन् कुने निश्चित छैन ।