Need is basic requirement of any individual living being and it may differ from one to another. Any one type of living beings have very common needs. For example, all cows have similar needs of life and so tigers have among themselves. Human beings have desires beside needs. Needs guide people through daily rituals but desires provoke him/her to look for life better than existing one or that of his neighbour in society. Such a desire is a desire of prosperity fulfilment of that desire is increment of prosperity. Such prosperity can be measured by any particular unit time value.
Ratio of one time value to another time value is prospeity of one individual with respect to another. If all unit time values are compared with any single unit time value, the ratio obtained in each case will indicate the prosperity of each individual. In common word , if the ratio is greater than one, the individual is better of in life than the single unit time value person. Else if the ratio is less than one, the person is worse of in life than the single unit time value person. Thus, prosperity is defined.
Ratio of one time value to another time value is prospeity of one individual with respect to another. If all unit time values are compared with any single unit time value, the ratio obtained in each case will indicate the prosperity of each individual. In common word , if the ratio is greater than one, the individual is better of in life than the single unit time value person. Else if the ratio is less than one, the person is worse of in life than the single unit time value person. Thus, prosperity is defined.